This extremely sturdy bike folds down in 3 easy steps leaving you with a compact 35 x80x75cm package which is perfect for onboard stowage.
A lightweight aluminium frame means that although the bike weighs only 14kg it is fully equipped with Shimano 6-speed derailleur gears, RIM brakes on front and rear, a height adjustable, Selle Royal gel saddle, bell, luggage rack and front/rear reflectors.
The combination of 6 gears, low step height (47cm) and light frame means the bike is very comfortable to use and energy efficient.
The bike comes with it’s own case for ease of carrying and storage making this perfect for those who love exploring land and sea!
Technical Data
Weight: 14kg
Color: matte black
Dimensions folded: c. 35 x 80 x 75cm
Step height: 47cm
Frame: lightweight aluminium
Gearbox: 6-speed Shimano®
Brakes: Rim brakes front and rear
Reflectors: front, rear and on the tires